Dehumidifiers help Museums Preserve Collections | Air Solutions

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Dehumidifiers help Museums Preserve Collections

Maintaining optimal climate for a museum collection can be complicated. There are many things to take into consideration: general climate, comfort of the visitors and types of items in the collection.

Conservation of historical items is vital. Natural history specimens, textiles, paper, books, manuscripts, print or any other ethnographic material are subject to a natural process of decay.

They are all organically based, and therefore susceptible to mould growth and rapid deterioration, particularly in a warm, moist environment. By removing the moisture from the environment the damaging effects can be eliminated when relative humidity is kept under control.

Air Solutions provides the solutions to this problem using desiccant dehumidifiers. Desiccant dehumidifiers are used world wide protect film, tapes, documents, books, and artefacts in archives, museums, and libraries. With dehumidification we physically remove the moisture from the air:


  • Elimination of mould, which can appear and cause damage to certain organic materials such as books, canvas and dried fauna and flora.

  • Prevention of the reappearance of salts on the surface of dried animals (reducing the effects of their disinfection), as well as on the surface of old pieces of metal, to stop bronze disease for example.

  • If the visitor area is treated, humidity control in museums and libraries is a factor of comfort. Low humidity in winter can cause excessive cold.

  • Prevention of unpleasant odours from mould.
