Humidity Issues in Manufacturing. | Air Solutions

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Humidity Issues in Manufacturing.

Many manufacturers struggle to maintain consistent humidity levels in their facilities during the hot summer months. 2021 forecast to very extremely humid it is time to ensure your manufacturing process is not disturbed.

In a number of factories, steam and humidity are everyday byproducts of various industrial processes; if not properly maintained, excess humidity levels can cause a number of issues, resulting in delays, safety risks, and additional expenditures.

Even reliable air conditioning may not be enough to achieve the relative humidity needed as the percent relative humidity rises as the room temperature falls.

Common Issues Caused by Humidity

Different manufacturing facilities experience different humidity-related issues depending on the specific equipment and products being utilized. Specifically in machine shops, excess humidity can result in a buildup of condensation, mist, or mold, all of which can damage products, equipment, and even the facility structure itself. 

Safety Issues:

Condensation may also form on shop floors, making for a dangerous, slippery environment. Electrical and electronic equipment can quickly become saturated as well, posing serious safety and quality risks. Electrical products exposed to high humidity levels often experience corrosion and reduced insulation resistance, which can ultimately cause short circuits.

Labelling Issues:

Labelling the surface that the label is being applied to is damp or has condensation on it because the temperature difference between the package and the air in the room. The air needs to be around 40-45% relative humidity so that the surface of the package remains dry and the label sticks. Getting the stickers on fruit, bottles, anything that needs a sticker or a label onto.

Drying Cycle Issues:

Products requiring specific drying cycles are also prone to humidity-caused issues; if the moisture level of the air becomes too high, drying times can be severely delayed, holding up production, increasing energy use, and resulting in lost productivity.

As a final example, take dry food packaging plants: When exposed to excessive humidity, food product quality is at risk, which can endanger consumer health and wellbeing. Plus, many bugs and insects seek out humid conditions, thriving in areas with humidity levels between 70-80%

Humidity Solutions

To ensure your manufacturing facility runs at peak efficiency during the summer months, it’s critical to maintain proper humidity levels. Dehumidifiers are the proven solution. We stock and supply an extensive range of dehumidifiers & humidifiers. Our solutions are custom selected to suit your site & budget.

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