Pool Dehumidification for Comfort and Wellness | Air Solutions

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Pool Dehumidification for Comfort and Wellness

Humidity is a major concern for all indoor residential or commercial swimming pools. The most effective way to control pool room humidity is to use a combination of temperature control, ventilation and a dehumidification system to reduce air moisture and condensation.

Dehumidification systems are designed to remove the moisture content within the air as the air passes through a refrigerant coil or desiccant wheel. e air is then dry and ready to absorb the moist air from within the pool environment, this process is repeated until the room meets the desired temperature or humidity level.

We are the New Zealand agent for Dantherm pool dehumidifiers. Dantherm is a global company that specialises in pool dehumidication. The of their most popular pool dehumidiers is the CDP range as it is fully automatic with electronic control and a built-in adjustable hygrostat. A clear display indicates the current status of operation. Defrosting is incorporated in the electronic control.

We have a range of pool dehumidiers available to us so through the design process we will select the dehumidier that best suits your pool surroundings and design. Dehumidiers are cost-effective, energy-effecient, user-friendly and close to silent in operation. Installation is flexible on the wall or floor.


• Indoor swimming pools

• Private pools

• Therapy pools

• Wellness centres