Power Generation: 6 Problem Areas for Corrosion During a Shutdown
During shutdowns, all equipment must be preserved in the 'As Left' condition till there is a need to activate them. When needed, they should be capable of going 'On-Line' immediately.
When a power plant is not in operation, many components within the plant are subject to corrosion. Corrosion occurs due to the presence of moisture in the air. Moisture accelerates the rate of corrosion leading to malfunctions and the deterioration of parts and components such as Turbines, Power Generators, boilers, condensers etc.Rate of corrosion accelerates, when Relative Humidity crosses the critical level of 40%.
Coating: Moisture Issues With Solvent Free Epoxies
Packing Frozen Vegetables without Ice Build-up
The Importance of Humidity Control in Archives
A green New Zealand invariably means a wet New Zealand. Humidity and inappropriate amounts of water vapour constitutes a real threat to the continued preservation as once moisture damage, bacterial growth, corrosion has occurred the object to be preserved will probably never return to its former condition. . Temperature and pollutants are important factors in preserving documents. In general the humidity and temperature have to be as stable as possible and pollutants should be kept to a minimum.
Sublimation: How to defrost Ice without creating puddles of water?
A common problem with cold stores and freezers in the build up of ice on evaporator coils, surfaces and product boxes. This occurs from moisture entering the cold store every time the doors are opened. We provide solutions to stop this moisture getting in, and so reducing ice build up and decreasing defrost cycles. Click here for more...
But what happens when you need to remove existing ice?
When renting one of our dehumidifiers or purchasing new equipment, our gear will not only reduce new ice forming but also, when doors are closed, work on removing existing built up ice.
How to remove ice without heating or creating puddles of water?
Our solutions are based on using desiccant rotor technology which has the ability to absorb moisture from the air irrespective of the temperature. This means we can remove moisture in very cold conditions. Dehumidification works to sublimate ice into water vapour.
What is sublimation?
When the air surrounding ice is dry, sublimation occurs. Sublimation is when ice turns directly into water vapor without first transitioning into a liquid. In cold store's and freezers sublimation occurs when the ice is surrounded by very dry air. The example typically used in most manuals/ guides is the concept of hanging a wet sweater on a line in freezing temperatures. Although it may take a few days, the wet clothing article will first freeze and then eventually dry out.